Thursday, September 30, 2004

Bush chats with Kerry

Tonight is the first of the Presidential Debates ... Maybe better named, "Presidential Chats." From what I've heard, it's so tightly scripted that no suprises, of any kind, will entertain the viewers. Too bad!
I heard one pundit say: "What the President should say, right off the bat, is, 'Mr. Kerry, everyone in the WORLD knows what I think about Iraq ... and what I'm doing about it. It seems that no one knows what you would do, so, Mr. Kerry, I'll yield ALL my time - the rest of this debate - to you so you can explain to the world what you would do differently.' Mr. Kerry, 'the ball is in your court.'"

Although the "rules" of the debate prohibit this, wouldn't it be interesting ... to say the least.


At September 30, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are not points that Bush should introduce in the debate process, or for that matter as part of his campaign, as he is right to stay on the moral high ground, but "wouldn't it be interesting if"

Kerry were to release his military records.

Someone at DOD were to explain why court martial charges were not filed for Kerry's perjury before congress after his return from Vietnam.

Same for his participation in the Paris peace talks while still a commissioned Naval officer.

Someone can explain why Kerry's honorable discharge is dated 2001 (the same year Clinton was pardoning criminals) and what kind of discharge he had before that. Of course, his record will answer these questions, and that may be his reason for refusing to release it to the public.

More people were aware of the ongoing investigations by the Navy IG into the perjury and peace talks points, as well as the issue of the madals, all begun at the request of the prestigious and non partisan Judicial Watch organization.

I would sure find it interesting.



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