Friday, June 16, 2006

What If You Opened Your Curtains And Saw This?

If folks don't wise up and "get it," then when they draw their curtains open in downtown LA, NYC or Seattle, this IS exactly what they'll see!

We're at WAR for our way of life. It doesn't matter what "Cut n' Runner's", France, Spain, Russia or CNBC say's: There is no backing down or "please excuse us ... we're leaving," because that is simply gasoline on the fire!

With that thinking and action, MUCH sooner than many ... Pelosi, Mertha, Kerry, et al ... would ever predict, we'd be fighting in the streets of Washington D.C., Brooklyn, St. Louis, San Diego ... hell, maybe even Pullman, for the right to live as we please. "Father Knows Best," "The Partridge Family," and "I Love Lucy," day's are history -

O V E R ... never to happen again. Sad, but true.

If you don't believe this, then I suggest you explain to your children or grandchildren just what your vision for the future is and how it's going to change anything. Good Luck!

Ps: If you are an "Infidel," many want to KILL YOU DEAD ... Right now!


At June 19, 2006, Blogger Bryan said...

Sounds like you're trying to start a rousing debate, but I doubt many people want to engage.

So, for whatever it's worth, I'll bite and respond by saying that I think we'll all be fine. I can't say why--I just have a feeling. There's a lot of love and understanding in the world, and it seldom makes the headlines. In the end, cooler heads will prevail. They always do.


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