Night Noise
What is "Night Noise?" Any pilot will tell you that after the sun goes down - and it gets really dark - you begin to hear aircraft "noises" that you never heard before.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
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What is "Night Noise?" Any pilot will tell you that after the sun goes down - and it gets really dark - you begin to hear aircraft "noises" that you never heard before.
Zero degrees? Yikes! I now understand exactly how cold that is.
I was confused about a suddenly and completely plugged-up bathtub this morning at my apartment. Turns out a pinky-sized hole in the insulation let a draft through that was enough to freeze the p-trap solid! Written in pencil on a section of wall above the p-trap: "Heater on if below zero for several days."
I guess they opted for the band-aid fix.
You look cold and not at all too happy.
All the snow is beautiful.
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