Thursday, September 30, 2004

"I Have A Plan" ... or is it a Dream?

I watched the debate. "Where is the beef"? I didn't hear any plan ... did you? Sen. Kerry repeatedly said he had a plan, but when the moderator asked him to be SPECIFIC ... no specifics.

Just before the final curtain, Sen. Kerry said he agreed with the President that Saddam WAS a threat while all during the debate, he reiterated that Saddam was not the threat - Osamma was!

I nominate Sen. Kerry as a burger flipper at McDonalds. He should set records.


At September 30, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

9/30/04... I listened to the debate between our President and Senator Kerry this eveing...90 minutes! I was hoping that we would finally get some insight to Kerry's "plan". I still don't have a clue...does anyone out there have any information on his great "plan"?


At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kerry as a burger flipper??? You gotta be kidding!!! Where was the beef in Bush's rhetoric?? NOT ONCE did he acknowledge there was even a problem with Iraq!! He hunched over his podium making (ape-like!), making a crabby little moue each time he didn't like Kerry's comments. He acted like a spoiled, put-upon brat, who isn't even qualified to work as a burger flipper at McD's.!!

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A slight typo in that previous post...
It should say "hunched over ape-like" not "making (ape-like)".
Also - another thought...would you be so quick to give Bush so many accolades if it were your son/daughter/spouse who had their head sawed off by Islamic fundamentalists?
Bush did absolutely nothing to defend or support his actions in Iraq last night. He did nothing to defend the brutality that he has brought upon all of us...

At October 01, 2004, Blogger Roger Daisley said...

It looks like not everyone was watching the same debate! In the debate I watched, President Bush acknowledged there were significant problems in Iraq, Afganistan and the search for Ben Laden. The President stood tall and firm and declared that he was doing all he could to protect the American people and to help rebuild Iraq. What more can you ask for? Sen. Kerry did NOT offer ANY different route, except to say that the war was a mistake. (Isn't that insightful!)

Sen. Kerry stated, "The President has not put one nickel, not one nickel, into the effort to fix some of our tunnels and bridges and most exposed subway systems. That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican convention was there."


1) The Bush adminstration has spent $92 Billion on bridge and highway repair and an additional $19 Billion for mass transit. (Well ... maybe it wasn't "one nickel."
2) All the New York subways ran during the Republican convention. Some entrances inside Madison Square Garden (The entrance to the convention) were closed for security purposes. "close down" ... I don't think so!

Mr. Lehrer asked Sen. Kerry "specifically" what he would do additionally or differently to increase homeland security. Sen. Kerry responded: He would not cut a progran that put more cops on the street, would fully staff firehouses and would protect nuclear and chemical plants. Wow ... what a plan! Why didn't the President think of that? (Note: The Bush administration has added 1000 extra boarder patrolmen and spent 3.1 Billion for fire and police.)

I'm sorry ... No one is perfect, not even the President. But we don't need a "Johnny come lately" to come rushing up at the 11th hour with a bag full of fuzz and announce he has "A better plan."

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

11th hour?? I thought Kerry had been in the running for quite awhile now?? Did he just pop up overnight to take on Bush?
Speaking of the 11th hour - what are the odds that ol' Bush will produce an 11th hour Osama Bin Laden...just in time for Nov 2.??? I'd bet on it. Dirty tactics for a dirty campaign!

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it when we become frustrated and hurt that we start casting dispersions and clouding the real issue with unnecessary accusations and “name-calling”? Why is it that also during these times we try to place blame instead of trying to resolve the problem?

We have two gentlemen: one trying to get a job, the other trying to keep his job. I don’t believe either is inherently evil… just human with human failings and attributes. The gentleman we have in power today is genuine and consistent. Has he made mistakes? The answer is yes, but then haven’t we all? No man/woman is infallible.

One candidate leads with his heart and soul, and what he feels is the “right” thing to do. The other gentleman’s opinion changes with whatever is most popular. I don’t think that there is much difference in the “special treatment” or benefits that either of these people of affluence has received. If you wish dig down into the minutia of experience then I’m sure one can dig out a lot of diversity in their background, but is this what we want to do?

A few facts:
Over 600,000 lives were lost in our own American Civil War
World War I lost over 10 million men with 20 million wounded
World War II - 55 million dead—25 million in the military and 30 million civilians
By the time a cease-fire agreement was signed on July 27, 1953, millions of soldiers and civilians had perished in the Korean War.
During the Viet Nam War, approximately 3.2 million Vietnamese were killed, in addition to another 1.5 million to 2 million Lao and Cambodians who were drawn into the war. Nearly 58,000 Americans lost their lives.
107 people die every minute of every day from homicide, suicide, accident and natural causes.

But you already know all of this.

I don’t believe that any United States citizen likes war. I don’t think our current president likes it either. I believe that most citizens of our planet would like to live in peace and harmony. However, there are those few that would prey on the non violent. Because of some sense of injustice or feelings of entitlement, they seek to upset and destroy balance and serenity.

I don’t feel that the US volunteered to be the worlds care taker but every time there is a catastrophe be it from nature or from tyrants the US is there to help.

The world is growing too small to ignore terrorists. Our wake up call came on September 11, 2001. War was affectively called on the United States.

WTC Victims 2626
Flight 11 (America Airlines) Victims 87
Flight 77 (America Airlines) Victims 59
Flight 93 (United) Victims 40
Flight 175 (United) Victims 59
Pentagon 125

This attack came on this president’s watch. Unfortunately he did not ask for it but he did not ignore it either.

We are in a fight with those that terrorize and intimidate the world… and, since terrorism is virtually “everywhere” and “anywhere” we must approach it as we would a tangled ball of twine. One has to pick a spot and begin, searching for the solution, the source if you would, and sometimes that “source” is not easily found.

Is the President always right? No, I don’t think so, but he is steadfast in his belief and direction. He is honest and straight forward and does not mince his words or change his direction just to gain favor with those that don’t agree. I feel that this is the type of leadership we need at this point in history.

Our young men and women who are serving our nation in Iraq come from a volunteer military, not a draft. No, they did not volunteer to die; they volunteered to serve knowing the risks. They still volunteer. The engineers, teachers, and other workers from the US and other nations know the risks. They knew the risks when they decided to go to Iraq and help with the rebuilding. The President did not send them to be slaughtered. The non-military workers went of their own accord for reasons known only to them. When you go in to clean out a rats nest, you don’t always come out smelling like a rose.

We know what our Presidents plan is but what is Kerry's? I'm still waiting and...

Still curious

At October 01, 2004, Blogger Roger Daisley said...

It sounds like the previous writer is suggesting the President is hatching an "October Surprise." No doubt if Ossama ben Laden is captured anytime between now and the election, the Democrats will howl - "October Surprise!"

If you subscribe to this scenario, then Osamma has a free passage and a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card until after the election. I say, catch the bastard as soon as possible - even if it's one day before the election!

(What does "October Surprise" mean? Perhaps you are familiar with the original "October Surprise" in 1980? It was the plan SUPPOSEDLY executed by those who backed the Reagan campaign who set out to unseat Jimmy Carter by SUPPOSEDLY making a deal with the Iranians (through the CIA) to continue to hold American hostages beyond the 1980 November elections. There has never been any proof of this, just accusations being tossed like stick pie crust at the ceiling ... to see it any will stick.)

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8:11 PM "Curious" posted a cooment which caused "Anonymous no-handle" to vent some mindless spleen. That in turn apparently moved Curious to respond with some reasoned and well researched thought. Thank you no-handle for giving us the benefit of Curious' insight.


At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannot resist making another point. It is not Bush, or anyone else, who has relesed the brutality of Islamic fundamentalists on the world. It is Islamiic fundamentalists who have. They have stated they intend to bring all infidels to their knees, no matter who or where. Bush realizes this and has invoked the only strategy that has a chance to counter their intent- democratization, one area at a time, to turn the rank and file muslim away from the fundamentalists. These clerics feel humiliated that they do not possess our wealth. They rail nonstop from their mosques, telling their people how humilited they should be and exhorting them to rise up against the infidel (us) and to take from us what should rightfully be theirs. If anyone needs some lessons in brutality, read the history of Islam.

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! You are welcome Fred. I enjoy blowing mindless spleen. Curious is, indeed, insightful. Sometimes it is worth encouraging others with mindless spleen to see if they can factually back up what they claim. As everybody knows Democrats -like the mindless spleen blower- are too emotionally charged and just end up saying ridiculous things about the president with absolutely no facts to back them. Geroge Bush is truly a remarkable leader. I would sacrifice my noggin at the hands of the Islams any day!

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what everyone was expecting with this debate. I think expecting to hear the details of a full-blown plan is going a bit too far--remember, the answers have to fit into 90 seconds. I think Kerry was stretching the truth to say "I have a plan," but I think it wouldn't be reasonable to expect him to have any more than core values. The specifics will develop while in office, like usual. Bush didn't have much of a plan either before taking office.

And I think it's pretty difficult to say what one candidate would have done in a certain situation, or will do in the next. I don't believe Kerry is a "flip-flopper" any more than Bush is "an idiot." When pressed, both men are leaders and will make the best decision they can. The namecalling many of you seem to enjoy is unfortunate propaganda. The namecalling is a way of exaggerating (or suggesting) reality in order to manipulate impressionable others into changing their minds. It sounds course, but you know you're doing it. You shouldn't feel good about it. For some reason politics makes adults feel like it's ok to bicker and call people names as if they were 7 years old. I guess it's ok, but nothing valuable comes of it.

I appreciate the more thought-out responses, even though they're the more dangerous. There's nothing quite as scary as a persuasive essay disguised as balanced research. We should all remember the "lies, damn lies, and statistics" quote, and how just about anything can be persuasive and statistically supported if only one point of view is represented. Mein Kampf, for example. In fact, the same persuasive techniques we use in our e-mail propaganda are used to recruit terrorists and turn peaceful muslims into an extremists. Don't let yourself be radicalized by the very same logical fallacies. Yes, you. If you're sure it's not happening to you, it is.

If you want to do something good for the world, begin your political commentary by researching the best arguments for both sides. If you are able to understand the best arguments to the point where you could write a convincing persuasive essay for the opposing view, then you are a wiser man or woman, and you will be doing a great service to the country. But your words will become more moderate, because there aren't any easy decisions in this world, as our difficulty in choosing a candidate proves.

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, now that I look at it, there isn't a whole lot of name-calling in this blog. But there is a whole lot of the other stuff.

At October 01, 2004, Blogger Roger Daisley said...

BRAVO ... everyone.
This blog is doing just what I had hoped it would: Open up an opportunity for anyone - yes, anyone - even those that only know how to type to be heard.
Keep it up.

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8:54 PM, you said, “I'm not sure what everyone was expecting with this debate. I think expecting to hear the details of a full-blown plan is going a bit too far--remember, the answers have to fit into 90 seconds."

90 seconds? He's had months to formulate his plan. Where is it? What is it? Hey, I’m willing to settle for the “core values”. I seriously doubt that anyone would hire a pilot to fly a plane if all of his experience was the theory of flying. It’s scary enough when we elect a brand new President every 4-8 years during times of peace. Electing someone to office who thinks they “might” know how to govern the most powerful nation in the world, especially during a time of war, is more than frightening. We know what the current President can/will do. All I’ve ever wanted to know is what Kerry would do differently. Please tell me WHO knows what Kerry’s plans are?

The death statistics are statements of facts. These facts are available in any public library, on-line or from your encyclopedia. They’re not secret FBI or CIA files.

Still Curious...

At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To avoid retyping, I would like to refer to my comment to Roger's "Bush Chats with Kerry" posting. Please take a moment to read it.

I read with interest the point above about researching and analysing an issue until being able to make a credible argument for either side. This of course is the essence of debate, and I used to be, but am no longer, good at it. Somewhere along the way I learned the difference between right and wrong.


At October 01, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To avoid retyping, I would like to refer to my comment to Roger's "Bush Chats with Kerry" posting. Please take a moment to read it.

I read with interest the point above about researching and analysing an issue until being able to make a credible argument for either side. This of course is the essence of debate, and I used to be, but am no longer, good at it. Somewhere along the way I learned the difference between right and wrong.



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