Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Sky's The Limit

I've spent countless hours trying to get our satellite Internet up and running and only accomplished it a few days ago. It's been in the works since BEFORE hurricane Katrina! (I use that reference because I ordered the equipment just before Katrina and was told that Homeland Security bought all the satellite equipment for their use.) The dish and all the goodies didn't actually get here until late October ... then the problems started!

I paid a professional installer $500 to set it up, but he couldn't get it going, after spending several hours trying, because he couldn't get the dish pointed at the correct satellite. He "lost interest" in continuing with the project. So: Jacquie and I took up the task. After about 15 hours (over several days) of sitting on the roof in freezing weather with my notebook computer, trying to locate and lock-on the stupid satellite - I also gave up. I told Skycasters (the provider) there must be something defective with something! It should NOT be this hard! They said they would send me a new satellite receiver ... and check it out first, before sending it.

Well, guess what: The new unit they were about to send me didn't work for them either! It turned out they had a "software" problem within the receiver! They emailed me a new software patch to load into the satellite receiver ... I had the thing up and running in less than 2-minutes! I guess I should be mad, huh?

(Yeah, I know, it looks all warm and cozy in the picture I took today ... but it wasn't that way when I was huddled on the roof!)


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