Sunday, July 15, 2007

PHOTO OF THE DAY: July 15, 2007

G. I. Jacquie testing our new AR-15.
(Yes, she can shoot pretty good. I don't advise a gun battle with her.)


At July 16, 2007, Blogger Amberlyn said...

Was there ever any doubt why all my friends were afraid of you and not dad???

Go Mom!!!

At July 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expecting an assault?

At July 17, 2007, Blogger Roger Daisley said...

Probably not.

At July 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pesky rabbits...

Hey, maybe that's why Spector hasn't been around in the past few days; heard the 'bang, bang, bang' and headed out of Dodge.

At July 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you thought WE were rednecks??

At July 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need one of those where you live in Pullman??????

At July 21, 2007, Blogger Roger Daisley said...

Saturday nights get pretty wild around here.

At July 23, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the EASIEST guns to handle; accurate and a lot of fun. I didn't want to fire it at first but, I'm glad I did. I just might get to like it.


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