Follow The Money Trail
Follow The Money Trail ... right to every Presidential candidiates pocket, EXCEPT ONE!
Every candidate, except one, accumulates substantial "contributions" from special Interests to finance their presidential aspirations. No large contributor gives a candidate money, just out of largess. Of course not: They expect, and will receive, special consideration for their area of interest.
This is what determines what laws are passed, what regulations are issued and who is prosecuted - and who isn't. No wonder our country is a mess of entanglements. Tax laws are selectively created and enforced to benefit, not the American People, but rather the "special interests."
Take the coal industry: "Clean Coal" measures have been implemented by the coal industry that are proven to be effective, yet our government is regulating coal out of business. Why: Because coal is very economical and "green" donors want their more expensive and profitable (to some!) technology to be given a higher priority. In my opinion the phony "Climate Change" dogma is part and parcel of the money trail.
[It is virtually beyond comprehension when Obama tells us the "Climate Change" is the biggest threat facing our country. There are "boat loads of money" changing hands over this hoax.]
Keystone Pipeline: It makes sense for everyone except Warren Buffet. (Ever heard of him? One of the world's wealthiest persons and a huge Obama supporter.) I think Mr. Buffet owns and operates a rail system that transports the oil that would otherwise be piped through the Keystone pipeline. See the "money trail?"
Donald Trump is, to my knowledge, the ONLY candidate that will not be beholding to special interests. Regardless of all the other petty complaints against Trump, for this single reason alone, I wholeheartedly support TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT.
Ps: Some detractors say Trump is not knowledgeable about a lot of other Presidential matters, such as foreign affairs. (See note, below, LOL) A great leader does not need to know how complicated things work. A great leader selects others who do know and makes decision based upon those experts.
Do you think Trump actually knows how they constructed Trump Towers? Do you think Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, could personally build a Corvette? The common thread is: They know how to select a knowledgeable and honest team to accomplish the task, at hand.)
(Note: Bill Clinton is probably best acquainted with "foreign affairs.")
There is one other candidate who isn't beholden to special interests.
I think I missed that person. Please enlighten.
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