Monday, November 27, 2006

LIVE camera back up.

My live camera (new photo every hour) is now back up. Problem: Dead battery. The dark stormy weather, we've been having lately, did not provide enough light for the solar panel to keep the battery charged. So: I had to lug the 45-lb. battery down the hill for charging, then back up the snowy hill to reinstall.

If the problem repeats, I'll install a power relay to cut off power to the camera and transmitter during the night, since you can't see anything anyway and it just uses up power.

Check the light snow. Look at "LIVE PHOTOS" in the "Links" section on the right sidebar of this blog.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

PHOTO OF THE DAY: November 22, 2006

Pot 'O Gold
This afternoon, the end of the rainbow settled on the R J Ranch.
There was no need to search for that elusive pot of gold
as we've already discovered where it is:
It's right here.
(CLICK photo for a larger image)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

PHOTO OF THE DAY - 11/12/2006

Girl In The Box
What is there about playing in a big box?
(Ask Samantha ...)

Friday, November 03, 2006

PHOTO OF THE DAY - 11/3/2006

Once in a while you meet a BORN PILOT!
(CLICK photo for a larger image.)

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